Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Day at the Beach I

This last weekend we went to the San Clemente beach with my cousin Tracey (DominicsSecondCousin Tracey???) and her three (plus almost one) children. Nathan and Olivia have grown up quite a bit since we last saw them and it was our first time to meet Jack. The kids had fun playing together on the beach and in the water. (That morning DominicsPapa Tom reported snow in Oregon, but we were on the beach! I love SoCal!)

Dominic did his usual play in the sand, but he did join everyone in the water later in the morning. The train track comes down to the beach at San Clemente, we had to walk across them to get to the beach. The local commuter train, the Coaster, came by four times that morning and I took Dominic to see it a couple of times.

Jocelyn loved the water and went in every chance. She loved it when the waves came. The first time in the water, I held her and usually picked her up before the wave hit, just letting her feet get wet. The second time we went in, Olivia wanted me to hold her hand, so I held her hand as well as Jocelyn's. They both had a fun time jumping up and down as the waves came in. Sometimes I would look down and a wave would have knocked Joss off her feet. She would be starting to float away, except that I kept a tight hold on her little hand. Dominic joined us and held Olivia's hand as the waves came in.

Dominic checks out the train. As it gets closer, he got a little nervous. I also moved closer to make sure he didn't do something crazy, like try to catch the train.

Dominic plays in the sand. He did get wet...but it took awhile. I only tossed him in once, he went in willingly after that.

Tracey, DominicsMom, and Jack play in the surf.

Jack and Jocelyn play in the sand.

I have a few more pictures to go through and I'll post them later. DominicsMom took a great photo of Dominic and I as the Coaster went by. I also have some better photos of Nathan and Olivia.



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