Sunday, March 30, 2008

Who's In Trouble?

The other day I was rough housing with the kids. They were running around the living room screaming while I chased them, or they chased me as the game would evolve. At one point I was facing off with Jocelyn and Dominic was standing to the side. At that point he darted in and stuck me in the groin with his fist! At my startled exclamation, he danced around crowing, "I got your balls! I got your balls!"

I had to start laughing at that (and he didn't hit me too hard, so I wasn't hurting.) DominicsMom wanted to know what was so funny, so I told her. I then had to scold Dominic and let him know that it wasn't nice to hit people in the groin or to say "Balls!" He didn't take it too well and hung his head a bit. DominicsMom laughed at me and told me she knew who really was at fault.

I didn't want to make Dominic too sad, so I said, "Dominic, who do you think is in trouble?" He hung his head lower, figuring he was in trouble. "I know Mommy doesn't think that you are in trouble. I think that Daddy is in trouble!"



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