Tuesday, March 18, 2008

First Week in School

Well, I meant to post an update on Jocelyn's progress at pre-school, but the flu laid me low over the weekend and I am only now recovering enough to stare at a keyboard for any length of time. Anyways....

The first few days went great, Joss went off with Dominic to play with all the other kids until the school day officially started, around 8ish. However, on Thursday, "Houston, we have a problem..."

As we walked into the school, Joss wanted me to hold her and I did so as Dominic ran ahead. When I went to sign her in, she didn't want me to put her down and I could see the beginning of a big lip starting. I had to hold her as I finished signing her in and then signed Dominic in. When I put her down so that she could join the rest of the children, she started to cry and held her hand up for me to pick her up. I did so and she started to say "No no no no no" The poor thing didn't want me to leave. I had to give her over into the arms of her teacher and she literally went kicking and screaming. She was still reaching for me as I left the room.

DominicsMom picked the kids up that afternoon and found out that Joss quieted down fairly quickly, but raised a big fuss when Dominic had to go to his class. She didn't want him to leave and so they let her stay with him for a little bit in his class. Dominic knew she was sad and so he wiped her tears away with a kleenex.

She repeated the crying when we dropped her off the next couple of times, but today she was sad but didn't cry. Hopefully she quickly gets used to it and accepts it. So overall, she had a good first week in school, bringing back several art projects to us.



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