Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Things Kids Say

Jocelyn doesn't talk a whole lot, or I should say, she doesn't speak a lot of English. She does love to babble baby-speak to us however. Lately, her vocabulary has started to grow quickly, but she does have a few favorite words, like "No" and "Stop". "Stop" comes out " 'top! "

For example, I got a "Dada 'top!" I was doing something she didn't approve of and she let me know it. Dominic gets a lot of 'tops! She cannot yet pronounciate Dominics name, so he is "Nom" and she says "Jai" for Jocelyn. It took Dominic a couple of days, but he now answers to Nom, that is when he is listening. I'm still trying to figure out who he listens more to, DominicsMom or Jocelyn.

I think Jocelyn...

Some of her other phrases:
Da? (this phrase can mean that, Daddy, give me, look at that....)
No no…
I like! I like!
Moi (more - sometimes she pronounces it correctly)

Today DominicsMom gave Dominic and Joss some hot chocolate. After she had finished, Joss went over to DominicsMom and said "I like! I like!" In other words, she wanted more...

Dominic also has some favorite phrases:

Mommy! I maaaaade pooo-poooo!
Ohhh nooo! Not again Joss!
Stop following me!
What is that (man/dog/shark/fish/etc) doing? Why?



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