Sunday, January 27, 2008

Playin' in the Rain

A series of rain storms hit San Diego this weekend, but for the most part they came during the evening. Sunday afternoon, a pretty good shower hit us and I asked Dominic if he wanted to see the rain, so I opened the front door and walked out with him. The house and front door gave us some shelter and I was able to stretch out my hand to feel the rain drops. Monkey see, monkey do and Dominic quickly followed my example. It wasn't coming down too hard at this point, but I felt the rain on my hand.

By this time, DominicsMom had Jocelyn with her in her arms. Joss stuck out her hand so DominicsMom obligingly stuck it out into the rain for her. Of course, Joss is a bit smaller and her face caught some of the rain and she made a cute face. DominicsMom and I laughed at this. Then I took Joss, held her in both hands with my arms out in front of me at full extension (think Michael Jackson dangling his son Prince from a 3rd story balcony, but Joss was just sticking out in the rain.) I had her out in the rain for only a second as she shrieked in surprise and laughter. So I did it again...

Dominic thought the whole thing was a blast and he was giggling away, so I gave Jocelyn back to DominicsMom, then grabbed him and stuck him out into the rain. He screamed and laughed and we all laughed at him as we trooped back through the door. As we were shutting the door, I told Dominic that I used to play out in the rain as a young boy.

"Who wants to go out and play in the rain?"

Joss was first with her hand in the air and a quick "Me!" in her cute little voice.

Joss says "Me!"

Dominic was right behind her with his hand in the air. Well I was stuck, so we suited both kids up in their rain coats and I led them outside. Dominic, Joss, and I cavorted in the rain, splashing in puddles and hollaring and laughing. DominicsMom opened up the garage door to watch us. She soon went inside to make some hot chocolate for everyone, anticipating cold little feet and hands. After five minutes, I was starting to feel the cold (their coats had hoods, mine didn't) and I told them it was time to go in. Both of them balked at the suggestion, so I told them that Mommy was making hot chocolate. I had to move quickly to keep up with them as they darted into the garage...



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