New Years Eve
We walked out onto the PB Pier and Dominic got a kick out of watching the surfers and a couple of fishermen.

Joss fell asleep on the ride over, so she missed most of the pier. She was O-U-T!

After walking down the boardwalk a ways, we decided to let the kids play in the sand (gotta love San Diego in December!) for a bit as all of them were pretty much begging to. Jake pretty much headed straight out to the water where Uncle Andy & Aunt Laurie let him play at the edge of the surf. He had a great time!
On the other hand, our two...
I eventually convinced Dominic and Jocelyn to try the water out. Like last time, Dominic dipped a toe into the ocean, decided it was too cold, and went back to digging in the sand, looking for 'sea shells' and hermit crabs.

Joss on the other hand had a great time running through the smaller waves and I had to drag her back a couple of times to keep her from going deeper.

After the beach, we cleaned up our feet and headed over to the PB Bar & Grill. On the way we passed a few landmarks.
"Dominic, this is where Mommy & Daddy met!"
"This is where we met, before-Dominic."
I'm not sure he got it....
Anyways, we had a great time at PB Bar & Grill, sharing a bunch of appetizers, just like old times (if you ignore the 3 screaming kids and two high chairs, diaper bags, sippy cups, etc.)

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