Monday, December 17, 2007


Jocelyn gave me her first "No" last week. Previously, she just used to say "uh-uh" when she didn't want something. But that does not really provide a lot of emphasis and didn't always her her point across.

So the first time I got a "No", I was picking her up from her favorite rocking horse at day care. She didn't want to leave and gave me a hearty series of "No no no no!" Well, it didn't work for her that time. Since then, "No" has become her favorite word. "No" we can't hold her hand, "No" she doesn't want to go to bed...

I can't wait till she learns "Why?"


The other day we took both kids in to get their flu shots. Daddy went first to set the example and I was quickly followed by Dominic. He whimpered some and teared up a bit, but he took the pain well and let the nurse put a small band-aid on the needle spot. Then it was Joss's turn. Dominic was very worried that she would get hurt and cry, you could see the worry on his face. The nurse was very quick and before Jocelyn could really protest, the shot was done. She wasn't happy, but she didn't cry.

That night I pulled the band-aid off of my arm. It stuck to the skin a lot and so it stung a little. As it was night-night time, I was dressing Joss in her PJ's. I pulled Joss's band-aid off and she did not like it at all, crying a bit as I took it off. Unfortunately, the small round ones the hospital gave us were hard to get a grip on and harder to pull off. I tried to be quick as possible as slow would only drag out the pain. She cried a bit and Dominic looked worried.

Dominic's turn was next and he got nervous as I took his shirt off. When I started to pull at the band-aid, it must have hurt a little as he threw a fit. I abandoned the attempt and let him go for the night. The next morning DominicsMom tried, but Dominic was wise to us now and as soon as she tried, he pitched another fit and we gave up again. Tonight, I knew it had to come off, so we tried immersing it in the hot water of his bath, but it didn't seem to help. So while DominicsMom held him, I peeled the band-aid off as gently as I could. The poor little guy did not like it at all and he SCREAMED... Jocelyn was sitting next to him on the bed and she was so worried. She didn't know why her big brother was crying and screaming and she became afraid and her little face started to puker up. She started to cry as I peeled the band-aid off and she crawled over to DominicsMom, bawling too. As soon as I finished, I picked up Dominic to console him and tell him I was sorry. DominicsMom was doing the same to Joss. Joss gave Dominic a quick kiss to make sure he felt better. She was sooo worried!

Bad DominicsDad...


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