Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Story of Cole

DominicsUncle Lee related this story to me concerning Cole:

Cole is starting to show signs of 'plotting' - that is, actively scheming to get what he wants. I think we are in trouble as he gets older, but for now, 2-year old toddler logic is saving us….

Cole didn't want to eat his dinner last night. He wanted to jump straight to his favorite dessert -- soy ice cream with blueberries on top. Absolutely loves it. Well, Mommy and Daddy informed Cole he had to eat his dinner before he got dessert. Cole disagreed with this and picked up a carrot and flung it off his plate. Mommy wasn't pleased and sternly let him know that throwing his food was unacceptable, and that no dessert would be forthcoming if he continued to do this. So then Cole pretends to eat his dinner, but starts slipping is food into his bib. All with a crafty, sly little grin on his face. Once again, Mommy lets Cole know that he has to eat his dinner and that putting it in his bib won't help him get dessert.

A minute later, Cole starts taking both hands and rapid-fire shoveling all of his food off his plate! Kind of like the same motion a dog uses when digging a hole - just rapid wheeling of his little hands to shovel it all into his lap. We look at him in momentary disbelief - has our son gone completely crazy? Or does he really think this will get him his ice cream and blueberries?!? Then we see his face and have to swallow our laughter…our little 2 year old has his eyes screwed tightly shut, with the biggest grin on his face that I have ever seen….he is thinking that if HE can't see himself throwing his food on the floor, then his PARENTS can't see him doing this either!

Heh heh heh…after gaining our composure we were able to reign the food maniac in and give him a time-out. I guess it all stems from the game we play where Cole closes his eyes and then we go "Where did Cole go? I can't see Cole?" I guess now he will learn that we can actually see him when his eyes are closed…

I can just see Cole now closing his eyes and tossing the food. The little stinker!

DominicsUncle Lee has promised a newer picture of Cole, I'll post it when he sends it.



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