Wednesday, November 28, 2007


UPDATE!: I've added some video.

The other evening we had linguini in a red sauce. At some point Jocelyn slurped up her linguini noodle, making a little noise. Dominic loved it and he laughed and laughed, causing us to laugh too. Joss grooved on the attention and she immediately grabbed another noodle, stuck it in her mouth and slurped it down. Dominic continued to laugh and giggle and Joss continued to slurp down noodles, giggling the whole time. She loved making her older brother laugh.

Then it happened. Only so many noodles can slide down a little girl's throat before something has to give. She made a little retching noise and then a ball of linguini noodles came up. Yum! She wasn't too pleased but she didn't get too excited. A little milk to drink and she was ok, but we took away the rest of her noodles...

Here's the video:



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