Our Little Girl
Today DominicsMom took Dominic and Jocelyn to the park where they have a weekly play group. Dominic runs around with the other kids his age. Joss is just starting to, but today she had a little dixie cup of goldfish crackers she refused to give up. So she ran around the playground with the dixie cup, eating the occasional cracker, and being very careful not to spill any crackers.

Joss eventually worked her way to the slide, sat down, and prepared to go down. DominicsMom watched for a little ways away as she talked to some of the other Moms. When Joss goes down a slide, she usually uses her feet to keep her speed down. Slides can be fun, but you gotta watch yourself!
This time, she was too busy trying not to spill her cup that she did not brake her speed and she shot straight down the slide. So she slid all the way down and kept going, right off the slide. She landed with a loud thump and her goldfish crackers went flying everywhere!
DominicsMom quickly picked her up as she started to wail. Big tears came coursing down her cheeks as she saw all her precious crackers lying on the ground!
She soon calmed down and was back on the slide, but this time without her crackers...

Joss eventually worked her way to the slide, sat down, and prepared to go down. DominicsMom watched for a little ways away as she talked to some of the other Moms. When Joss goes down a slide, she usually uses her feet to keep her speed down. Slides can be fun, but you gotta watch yourself!
This time, she was too busy trying not to spill her cup that she did not brake her speed and she shot straight down the slide. So she slid all the way down and kept going, right off the slide. She landed with a loud thump and her goldfish crackers went flying everywhere!
DominicsMom quickly picked her up as she started to wail. Big tears came coursing down her cheeks as she saw all her precious crackers lying on the ground!
She soon calmed down and was back on the slide, but this time without her crackers...
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