Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Long Time No Post II

Well, it has been a long time since I posted...but I've been in mourning. I've been having some problems with my computer and so I devoted a week to fixing it. In attempting to eliminate software as the problem, I reloaded Windows a couple of times, reformating each time. Before I did this, I of course backed up all my data...or so I thought. During one of the times I formatted the drive, the program I was using hiccupped and to fix it, I had to format the whole drive, not just the Windows partition.

No problem, I had backed up everything, right? Nope, the folder I used to store all of the new photos that I had not sorted was not backed up, so I lost everything there. So everything that I had not finished sorting through, and there were photos from the summer, were gone. This included all the photos from our trip to DominicsGrandma Nana and Grandpa Tom. I was sick....

So I haven't been able to post anything (plus there were some nagging configuration issues with my photo viewer and the game Civilization IV, which I managed to get hooked on, again...)

I have some new stories in the wings and a lot of new photos coming up...stay tuned!



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