Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Another Day - 0830

The fires have not moved any closer to us over the course of the evening. As you can see on the map below, the two separate fingers of the Witch Creek fire did burn further south and west respectively. We are still right outside the evacuations zones and have not heard if they intend on expanding them. The local winds appear to be very light and we are hoping they stay that way.

All the primary websites in San Diego with information on the fire are pretty slammed and updates load very slowly, so I will refrain from posting any links to them and will post what maps I can. I have another one downloading, I'll post it in a moment.

The kids are both doing well, although I think I'm going to go buy another Bear in the Big Blue House video to keep them quiet. At the moment, that seems to be the only show that occupies them both and that will give DominicsMom and I a momentary breather.



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