A blog about the daily life of my son Dominic and the supporting cast of characters he keeps around. We have recently added a new cast member, Dominic's little sister Jocelyn. Please enjoy!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Swim Lessons
Dominic has continued his swim lessons through the end of the summer. He really likes them and looks forward to each lesson. We like them because he is usually so tired in the evening that he goes to sleep almost right away, or even a bit early. Dominic has continued to progress as the lessons have continued. When he first started, he was very reluctant to put his face into the water and get wet. Now he (sorta) willingly puts his face down into the water and swims to his instructor, Miss Nicole. He's learned the polar bear stroke (a modified free style or crawl) and he even kicks his feet. So far, his speed through the water is not too fast, but he is swimming all the way across the width of the pool.
Dominic rests on the ledge between each lesson. Dominic is guided through the water by Ms Nicole as
he practices his polar bear stroke. There are always a number of other kids taking lessons with the other instructors. Sometimes they race. Dominic is the youngest at this point and he was slightly slower coming off the mark. And.... SPLASH DOWN! Where did he go? Ms Nicole is keeping an eye on him...
Here's the video of the second race. Once again, he's a bit slower coming off the edge of the pool and he launches him self straight up into the air. So he has no forward momentum when he hits the water and he ends up sinking straight down. Dominic has the right idea, he just has to work on his execution a bit.
The whole crew gets the debrief after the lesson is over.
DominicsMom had to really watch Joss while Dominic had his lesson. She wanted to jump into the pool with him so badly... So now both kids are taking lessons! Dominic continues to improve, he is now diving down to the bottom of the pool to retrieve toys. Jocelyn puts her face into the water and is trying to paddle. She is even diving very shallowly after toys, stroking madly away with both arms. They are both having a great time with their lessons. I should have more pictures soon.
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