Monday, July 23, 2007

Bust My Buffers

Dominic is at the age where he picks up anything that is said around him. DominicsMom was getting out of the car this afternoon and she let out a big sigh, "Ohh Lord!"

Dominic came right back with his own "Ohh Lord!" As we started to laugh, he gave us a few more "Ohh Lords!" No lightning bolts struck the car so everything was ok.


The other day DominicsUncle Andy was relating a story and he finished it up with a "Dammit!"

Dominic quickly topped it with four quick "Dammits!" As we started to laugh, he gave us a few more for good measure... (DominicsPapa Tom is guilty of this with DominicsCousin Cole!)


We read a lot of the Thomas the Tank Engine story books to Dominic and one of the exclamations that Thomas uses is, "Bust my buffers!" Dominic hasn't used that one yet, but I'm just waiting for the day. In addition, when one train bumps another on purpose, they are giving the other one a 'Biff' or a 'Bash'.

The other weekend DominicsMom, DominicsMama Pat, & DominicsPapa Frank took Dominic to the Old Poway Park and to see the train station and ride the train. They also have a gift shop featuring a lot of Thomas trains. The gift shop has a train table and a bunch of tracks and train engines for the kids to play with. Dominic immediately gravitated to the table and acquired a train. He was playing by himself when another little girl joined him. She grabbed another train and began to move it around the track. When she reached the table where Dominic stood, she bumped their trains together. Dominic immediately exclaimed, "Hey! Stop biffing my Thomas!"

They things they pick up and learn!


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