Cookie Thief
This evening Dominic was a good boy (he went #2 without any coaching), so we rewarded him with a ginger-snap cookie. This meant that Jocelyn also received one. Not wanting to be left out, DominicsMom and I also took a ginger-snap. The cookies were well received by both kids and they dug into them with gusto. Dominic quickly finished his cookie and went off to play Thomas. (I think I finished mine in three bites.)
Joss was taking nice little lady-like bites and still had plenty of cookie left as she stood near DominicsMom and played with Percy the Tank Engine. I crawled over (to get down to her level of course) and pretended to try and take her cookie by grabbing it with my mouth, making all sorts of eating noises. For a moment or two, she tried to resist, but then she decided to feed me and held up her cookie for me. I moved in and barely gummed it, making of lot of eating noises (but didn’t actually eat any.)
Joss was delighted and she thought it was the best thing in the world. She turned to DominicsMom and offered her ginger-snap to her. DominicsMom also pretended to eat it with delight. At this point, Dominic looked up from where he was playing and he decided to get in on the action.
“Me! Me!” he exclaimed to get her attention. She obligingly turned to him and offered up her cookie. Dominic gleefully hopped over to her to partake in her treasure. He leaned in to take a big bite, but DominicsMom was right there to make sure he didn’t get carried away. He still managed to get a big bite of the cookie and then backed up a step as Joss looked sorrowfully at her decimated cookie -- 3 year old boys take much bigger bites than a little toddler girl! 
Joss was taking nice little lady-like bites and still had plenty of cookie left as she stood near DominicsMom and played with Percy the Tank Engine. I crawled over (to get down to her level of course) and pretended to try and take her cookie by grabbing it with my mouth, making all sorts of eating noises. For a moment or two, she tried to resist, but then she decided to feed me and held up her cookie for me. I moved in and barely gummed it, making of lot of eating noises (but didn’t actually eat any.)
Joss was delighted and she thought it was the best thing in the world. She turned to DominicsMom and offered her ginger-snap to her. DominicsMom also pretended to eat it with delight. At this point, Dominic looked up from where he was playing and he decided to get in on the action.
“Me! Me!” he exclaimed to get her attention. She obligingly turned to him and offered up her cookie. Dominic gleefully hopped over to her to partake in her treasure. He leaned in to take a big bite, but DominicsMom was right there to make sure he didn’t get carried away. He still managed to get a big bite of the cookie and then backed up a step as Joss looked sorrowfully at her decimated cookie -- 3 year old boys take much bigger bites than a little toddler girl!

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