Tuesday, June 26, 2007


DominicsMom related a short anecdote to me this afternoon. Papa Frank was reading a book to Dominic and the book featured a pig. Papa Frank asked Dominic, “What’s that animal?”

“Don’t know!”
“Is it a pig?” asked Papa Frank.
“No, it’s a Havalina!”
“A what?”
“A Havalina! Not pig!”

We both got a kick out of the story and talked about where he may have learned the word. So I turned to Dominic and asked him what a Havalina was. His reply, “Don’t pick your buggers!”

What? (DominicsMom had almost fallen off her chair at this point laughing.)

“Dominic, what’s a Havalina?”
“Don’t pick your nose buggers!”

DominicsMom & I almost died laughing. We have no idea where he got the word Havalina from, probably one of the lessons from school. (As a note, Dominic had his finger up his nose when we were talking about where he may have learned Havalina. At some point DominicsMom told him to stop picking his nose.)

After a bit of google-fu, I found out that Javelina is the Spanish term for Peccary, which look a lot like pigs. It all makes sense now...



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