Sunday, June 03, 2007

Long time no post

Wow, I'm sorry. It's been almost 2 months since my last post. We've been busy with a lots of stuff going on, lots of guests, and lots of fun.

Our guests! DominicsUncle Andy & Cousin Jake hang out with Dominic.

Wagon ride with Jake. Dominic is giving directions. He better get it all in now because soon Jocelyn will be giving all the directions...SeaWorld! It was our first visit to SeaWorld and we all had a blast! Here Pat and Dominic check out Shamu's tank.
Petting the dolphins!
Both kids are pooped out at this point and taking a break. They did rally and keep going after this short break.
Dominic has started swim lessons! He's had two lessons so far and he really seems to enjoy them. He's not so fond of getting his face wet, but he is being a real champ about it.

And here is the fire that we had behind our house! Thankfully the wind was blowing away from us as the fire was only a little over a 1/4 mile from us.
The kids hang out...

I'll try to finish organizing the rest of the photos and put them up soon!


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