Friday, March 30, 2007

New Video

Dominic enjoys curling up on the couch sometimes, usually in the morning when he's not really awake, but sometimes he just likes to play. The other day he curled up on the couch with his little leopard and then began to pet it, making silly cooing noises. It went down hill from there.

DominicsMom does not always know when I'm using the camera to film a scene. She's never sure if I'm just taking a long time to compose/wait for a shot, or if I'm actually filming. There are a lot of "Are you filming?" in my video clips... This evening she thought that I was only letting Dominic look at the LCD on the camera and she didn't think that I was filming. Silly Mommy!

But I'm probably going to get castrated in my sleep for posting this...



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