Thursday, April 19, 2007

Caption Contest

Here's a cute picture of Jocelyn and Dominic peering at a Thomas the Tank Engine catalog (they both love looking at it...) DominicsMom and I had a great time coming up with captions for it, so we decided to open up the floor to see what you can come up with! DominicsMom started it with her favorite caption. Use the comments box (click on comments below this post) to leave your caption!
"I want this one for Christmas!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

“We should ask for this one next!”

4/19/2007 11:28 PM  
Blogger DominicsDad said...

"Dominic, that Thomas is HOT!"

4/20/2007 8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Dominic, wait til DaDa and MaMa find out how much these will cost them!"

4/20/2007 8:22 PM  
Blogger DominicsDad said...

That's the truth!

4/26/2007 11:45 AM  

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