Monday, July 23, 2007

Dominic's Antics

Dominic has been on a roll these last few days. Tonight we had dinner with DominicsAunt Laurie, Mama Pat, and our friends Jared & Erika. After dinner Mama Pat asked Dominic if he wanted a treat. Of course he said Yes...

She made him a cup of chocolate ice cream and he immediately asked for more, because he wanted a "Tall cup of ice cream." So she gave him another scoop. Mama Pat then made herself a small cup of coffee ice cream and sat down next to Dominic. She asked, "Do you want to try some of mine?"

As he was already finished with his own cup of ice cream, he said, "Yes!" and took her cup.

Dominic then handed Mama Pat his cup and said, "Here, try some of mine!" (Nice kid, give her an empty cup to try...) He had a bit of Mama Pat's ice cream, definitely liked it, but gave her cup back. Once he had his own empty cup back, he looked at it, back at Mama Pat's cup, and then said, "Do you want to trade?"

After we stopped laughing, Mama Pat gave her cup to him. He had the biggest grin on his face...



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