Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Yesterday, I mentioned that Jocelyn and Dominic were playing well together under his tent until they got in a fight over an etch-a-sketch. It is now common for the two of them to get in fights over toys. One will see the other with a toy, want it, and proceed to create a fuss until they get it or are given a time-out. Joss will want something, then Dominic will want something and it goes around and around. After a few minutes with the toy they loose interest and go see what new toy the other one has and it starts again.

We have come to the firm conclusion that we need to buy two of every toy, preferably the same color as they are now getting in fights over who has which color toy, witness the fight they had over the otherwise identical etch-a-sketches. (By the way, the etch-a-sketches really hold their attention as they love to scribble on it, erase their 'art', and start over.)


In another example, Dominic was playing with a rubber frog in the bathtub when Joss decided that she wanted it. She grabbed on to it and started to pull while Dominic held on to it for dear life. Both started to scream and holler. I had to pull Jocelyn away (since Dominic had it first) and she did not like that at all...so she slapped the water really hard, making a big splash. Dominic wailed as water splashed into his eyes.

Hearing Dominic's distress, Jocelyn did it again... She liked her results and raised her arm for a third slap into the water. As I was getting wet I quickly put an end to it with a sharp word to Joss. This only slowed her down momentarily. She slid up behind Dominic and started to wrap him up in her arms, like she does when she tackles him. That would probably have not worked out to well in the tub, so I gave her another warning "Jooooosss..."

If that wasn't allowed, she started to try and pinch his back, but he was too slick and she couldn't get a firm grip. So she cocked her arm back and was about to take a swipe at him when I picked her up and moved her to the far side of the tub. She is one determined little girl! She almost immediately started to slide back towards Dominic when I was able to distract her with a smaller frog toy and complete her bath.




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