Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How to Turn On the TV by Cole

DominicsUncle Lee with a follow-up story about Cole:

The follow up story is last night when Cole wanted to watch Barney. Barney is Cole's second favorite person in the whole wide world, just after Mommy, but about 5 spots ahead of Daddy. Daddy is behind Barney, grandparents, animals, any blond girl, any other toddler, but just ahead of spinach.

After dinner, Cole ran to the TV, pointed to it and started a little hopping whine about "Barney! Please watch Barney!" As we try to limit him to 30 minutes of TV a day, and he already watched Barney that morning, we said Barney went to sleep and we should play with our toys. Normally this could lead to a tantrum, as this is around Cole's bed time, and he's pretty tired.

But this time, Cole started to dance. Yep, little toddler "out of control, deep knee bending, arms flailing, spinning around the room" dancing. But there was a point to this dancing. After a few seconds, he "danced" closer to the TV, and as he got close, he closed his eyes -- remember, we can't see him because he can't see -- and started pounding at the TV in the general vicinity of the ON button. He'd take a whack at the TV, step back a few paces, take a peek, close his eyes, and step forward again for another whack, then repeat...all the while giggling at his ingenuity. He did this 6 or 7 times before he got the TV on and we could stop laughing…

I'm hoping this stage lasts for awhile because I haven't laughed this hard since the time Dominic's Dad was playing handball on our parents' garage door and thought it was warm outside, so he took his sweat pants off…forgetting that he didn't have any shorts on underneath.

I was dying laughing when I read this. Except for that last part. I don't know what he's talking about.

Ok, happened. Yeah, I remember that day. We had been playing wall-ball for a bit and I started to get hot, so I decided to take off my sweat pants. I was too lazy to pull off my shoes and was busy working the sweats over them, when I noticed Lee laughing and about to die. I saw the reason he was laughing, I had not put on short pants underneath my sweats and all I had on was my skivvies. I tried to pull up my sweat pants, but I couldn’t pull them back up over my shoes, so I hopped down our sidewalk and into the house. Lee followed me, laughing his little head off...



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