Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Years Story

We had a 'little' get together with friends and family for a New Year's Eve party. It was pretty much a last minute affair and we were unsure of how many people would show up. We ended up having 10 kids (all under 6) and about 13 adults. The kids absolutely ran wild and they all seemed to have a ball. I'll have a couple of New Years Eve pictures to post in a day or two.

For the party, I dug up a recipe for Bourban Balls, a treat I enjoyed while I was still at home. The recipe calls for 1/3 cup of bourban, a box of vanilla wafers, cocoa, and a few other items. This is a no-bake recipe, so the alcohol is not cooked off (but there is not a lot of bourban in each bourban ball.) The finished products look a bit like donut holes rolled in powdered sugar and they have a strong bourban taste. We placed them high up on our bar to keep the kids away.

Later that evening, after I had finished eating, I had a bourban ball and a couple of others tasted them. After I explained what was in them, one of our friends had a good laugh. He explained that he asked his little girl what she had eaten. She said, "I had a chicken leg, rolled taco, carrots, and one of those donut holes!"

I think I might be going to jail....



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