Wednesday, January 09, 2008


A while back I wrote how Jocelyn was playing at sitting on the training toilet. The other day DominicsMom was giving her and Dominic a bath when she pointed down (you know, there...) and said "Poo poo."

"You have to go poo poo?" asked DominicsMom?

Joss nodded her head and said "Poo poo" again. So I came over, we took her out, dried her off, and sat her on the training toilet. She sat on it for awhile, got up, sat down, got up again, and sat down again. Pretty much what she had done previously, so I asked if she was done going "poo poo." Joss nodded yes and she stood up. I picked her up to take her to our bed to put on her PJ's and looked down into the training toilet. There was a little bit of pee there! Our little girl used the bathroom on purpose for the first time!

So we made a big deal out of it (as all the books say to) and then proceeded to put a diaper on her as well as her PJ's. We finished up the evening by reading books before bedtime. As we were reading, DominicsMom sniffed the air and asked if someone had gas. I checked Joss and sure enough, she had a full diaper!

She really meant it when she said that she had to go poo poo...The pee pee must have just been the precursor!

And DominicsMom got to change the diaper....



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