Monday, March 24, 2008

Catching Up

Well, I'm falling farther and farther behind. Call of Duty 4 still has me in its grip. Here's a photo of the kids with their bubbles and a short video of Dominic.

Work put on an Easter Egg hunt for all of the kids and we went for the first time this year. They had three age groups and Dominic and Jocelyn were in separate groups. Dominic went first. This year there was no trouble with knowing what to do, when the hunt started, Dominic was off. He made a great slide into the first egg, but he had a problem finishing as the eggs wouldn't stay in the basket...

And the hunt continues...

And here is Jocelyn's turn. She was a little reluctant to start without Dominic, but once she got the idea, she went after the eggs with a will and ended up with a good-sized basket.

Hopefully more soon! Well, actually this is about all the video from Easter that I have. Hopefully more pictures soon then.



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