Monday, March 31, 2008

Going Potty

Dominic has been fairly regular of late in his efforts to go potty. He goes to the bathroom by himself to make "poo-poo", but he still needs help wiping. We are trying to teach him, but it isn't his favorite subject. We make him wipe twice before we step in to help out and his school has the same policy.

The other day we went out to lunch with Papa Frank and Mama Pat. Toward the end of lunch, Dominic announced that he needed to go pee-pee. Papa Frank volunteered to go with him. They were gone for awhile and DominicsMom debated on whether or not I should go after them. About that time, Dominic and Papa Frank walked out.

Papa Frank told us that Dominic decided that he needed to go poo-poo and that the actual deed went pretty quickly and smoothly. Papa gave him toilet paper to wipe his bum. Then a second bit for round two. When Papa gave him the third wad of toilet paper, Dominic looked up at him and slightly indignently said,




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