Train Museum at Balboa Park
In mid-February (see, I'm behind but slowly catching up), we went to Balboa Park to see the model train museum. The kids had a lot of fun running around the park, looking at the fish in the Koi pond, and poking their fingers in the water fountains. And we eventually made it to the museum.
Dominic really liked the Koi pond. There was a 3' black catfish in the pond and he must have stared at it for 5 minutes. I had a hard time tearing him away. He came back a little later to look at it.

The kids run through the outdoor amphitheater.

The kids really wanted to toss a coin into a fountain. To give a little background (the audio is tough to hear over the water), DominicsMom gave Dominic a coin and told him to wait until she had given Jocelyn a coin. Right after she tells him this, Joss runs off and DominicsMom is not able to watch him closely. So watch him carefully around the 13th second...
And the Model Train Museum where we of course found Thomas the Tank Engine. The museum itself has some really cool layouts, each done by a different model train club.
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