We took our time potty training Dominic and when he decided he was ready, things went quickly, smoothly, and without a lot of stress on anyones part. So we are taking our time with Jocelyn as she just turned two. She has shown a little interest in sitting on her potty and usually sits down (for second) on her potty before jumping into the bath.
About a month ago she actually made pee-pee into the potty. The closest she has done so since was the other night when DominicsMom sat her down on the potty. Joss immediately jumped up and began to dance around naked. I guess she liked that. We were having so much fun laughing at her spin in place, or DominicsMom was while I lay in bed, unable to move, that we let her. Then she paused and we heard a little noise. DominicsMom let out a yelp and grabbed Jocelyn. Joss was peeing on our carpet! Well, she made a couple of drops into the potty....
Tonight, as I was changing Jocelyn in preparation for bed, I smelled a little gas. (Ok, probably an unneeded detail, but that's what started the whole thing...) So I asked her if she had to go poo-poo. She nodded yes and I took her over to sit on her potty. She tried to get up right away, but I kept her sitting and then began to read a book to her. About half way through the story, a look of concentration came over her face and I heard something hit the potty bowl (Ok, also probably an unneeded detail.)
So we made a big fuss over her achievement and rewarded her with some M&M's. As a bonus to me, she was much easier to clean up. As a non-bonus, I had to clean the potty. (Unneeded detail was just left out. To see it, highlight the next portion:
She had a really nutty poo-poo. See, very unneeded.)
While a good step, it is probably not a breakthrough that Dominic's first time was. Although hers was a LOT cleaner.
Remember here. Joss has been going poo-poo at around this time for the last few days, so I had that on my mind as I changed her. But we are hoping that diapers will be unnecessary within a few months.