Monday, March 31, 2008

Going Potty

Dominic has been fairly regular of late in his efforts to go potty. He goes to the bathroom by himself to make "poo-poo", but he still needs help wiping. We are trying to teach him, but it isn't his favorite subject. We make him wipe twice before we step in to help out and his school has the same policy.

The other day we went out to lunch with Papa Frank and Mama Pat. Toward the end of lunch, Dominic announced that he needed to go pee-pee. Papa Frank volunteered to go with him. They were gone for awhile and DominicsMom debated on whether or not I should go after them. About that time, Dominic and Papa Frank walked out.

Papa Frank told us that Dominic decided that he needed to go poo-poo and that the actual deed went pretty quickly and smoothly. Papa gave him toilet paper to wipe his bum. Then a second bit for round two. When Papa gave him the third wad of toilet paper, Dominic looked up at him and slightly indignently said,



Sunday, March 30, 2008

Train Museum at Balboa Park

In mid-February (see, I'm behind but slowly catching up), we went to Balboa Park to see the model train museum. The kids had a lot of fun running around the park, looking at the fish in the Koi pond, and poking their fingers in the water fountains. And we eventually made it to the museum.

The kids run through the outdoor amphitheater.
Dominic really liked the Koi pond. There was a 3' black catfish in the pond and he must have stared at it for 5 minutes. I had a hard time tearing him away. He came back a little later to look at it.

The kids really wanted to toss a coin into a fountain. To give a little background (the audio is tough to hear over the water), DominicsMom gave Dominic a coin and told him to wait until she had given Jocelyn a coin. Right after she tells him this, Joss runs off and DominicsMom is not able to watch him closely. So watch him carefully around the 13th second...

And the Model Train Museum where we of course found Thomas the Tank Engine. The museum itself has some really cool layouts, each done by a different model train club.


Who's In Trouble?

The other day I was rough housing with the kids. They were running around the living room screaming while I chased them, or they chased me as the game would evolve. At one point I was facing off with Jocelyn and Dominic was standing to the side. At that point he darted in and stuck me in the groin with his fist! At my startled exclamation, he danced around crowing, "I got your balls! I got your balls!"

I had to start laughing at that (and he didn't hit me too hard, so I wasn't hurting.) DominicsMom wanted to know what was so funny, so I told her. I then had to scold Dominic and let him know that it wasn't nice to hit people in the groin or to say "Balls!" He didn't take it too well and hung his head a bit. DominicsMom laughed at me and told me she knew who really was at fault.

I didn't want to make Dominic too sad, so I said, "Dominic, who do you think is in trouble?" He hung his head lower, figuring he was in trouble. "I know Mommy doesn't think that you are in trouble. I think that Daddy is in trouble!"


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt Pictures

And a couple of pictures from the SAIC-sponsored Easter Egg hunt.

Dominic checks behind the hill for more eggs.
Dominic gives Jocelyn some advice.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Doctor's Visit

Today DominicsMom took Dominic and Jocelyn in to see the doctor for a persistent cough that the both of them had. When the doctor walked in, Dominic said, "Did you know? We don't need any shots!"

I guess he knew what he DIDN'T want!


Monday, March 24, 2008

Catching Up

Well, I'm falling farther and farther behind. Call of Duty 4 still has me in its grip. Here's a photo of the kids with their bubbles and a short video of Dominic.

Work put on an Easter Egg hunt for all of the kids and we went for the first time this year. They had three age groups and Dominic and Jocelyn were in separate groups. Dominic went first. This year there was no trouble with knowing what to do, when the hunt started, Dominic was off. He made a great slide into the first egg, but he had a problem finishing as the eggs wouldn't stay in the basket...

And the hunt continues...

And here is Jocelyn's turn. She was a little reluctant to start without Dominic, but once she got the idea, she went after the eggs with a will and ended up with a good-sized basket.

Hopefully more soon! Well, actually this is about all the video from Easter that I have. Hopefully more pictures soon then.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Potty Training, Kid #2

We took our time potty training Dominic and when he decided he was ready, things went quickly, smoothly, and without a lot of stress on anyones part. So we are taking our time with Jocelyn as she just turned two. She has shown a little interest in sitting on her potty and usually sits down (for second) on her potty before jumping into the bath.

About a month ago she actually made pee-pee into the potty. The closest she has done so since was the other night when DominicsMom sat her down on the potty. Joss immediately jumped up and began to dance around naked. I guess she liked that. We were having so much fun laughing at her spin in place, or DominicsMom was while I lay in bed, unable to move, that we let her. Then she paused and we heard a little noise. DominicsMom let out a yelp and grabbed Jocelyn. Joss was peeing on our carpet! Well, she made a couple of drops into the potty....

Tonight, as I was changing Jocelyn in preparation for bed, I smelled a little gas. (Ok, probably an unneeded detail, but that's what started the whole thing...) So I asked her if she had to go poo-poo. She nodded yes and I took her over to sit on her potty. She tried to get up right away, but I kept her sitting and then began to read a book to her. About half way through the story, a look of concentration came over her face and I heard something hit the potty bowl (Ok, also probably an unneeded detail.)

So we made a big fuss over her achievement and rewarded her with some M&M's. As a bonus to me, she was much easier to clean up. As a non-bonus, I had to clean the potty. (Unneeded detail was just left out. To see it, highlight the next portion: She had a really nutty poo-poo. See, very unneeded.)

While a good step, it is probably not a breakthrough that Dominic's first time was. Although hers was a LOT cleaner. Remember here. Joss has been going poo-poo at around this time for the last few days, so I had that on my mind as I changed her. But we are hoping that diapers will be unnecessary within a few months.


First Week in School

Well, I meant to post an update on Jocelyn's progress at pre-school, but the flu laid me low over the weekend and I am only now recovering enough to stare at a keyboard for any length of time. Anyways....

The first few days went great, Joss went off with Dominic to play with all the other kids until the school day officially started, around 8ish. However, on Thursday, "Houston, we have a problem..."

As we walked into the school, Joss wanted me to hold her and I did so as Dominic ran ahead. When I went to sign her in, she didn't want me to put her down and I could see the beginning of a big lip starting. I had to hold her as I finished signing her in and then signed Dominic in. When I put her down so that she could join the rest of the children, she started to cry and held her hand up for me to pick her up. I did so and she started to say "No no no no no" The poor thing didn't want me to leave. I had to give her over into the arms of her teacher and she literally went kicking and screaming. She was still reaching for me as I left the room.

DominicsMom picked the kids up that afternoon and found out that Joss quieted down fairly quickly, but raised a big fuss when Dominic had to go to his class. She didn't want him to leave and so they let her stay with him for a little bit in his class. Dominic knew she was sad and so he wiped her tears away with a kleenex.

She repeated the crying when we dropped her off the next couple of times, but today she was sad but didn't cry. Hopefully she quickly gets used to it and accepts it. So overall, she had a good first week in school, bringing back several art projects to us.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

First Days at School!

Jocelyn went to pre-school for the first time Tuesday morning. She woke a bit grumpy and tired, I think that she hadn't finished adjusting from the time change and just didn't want to get up (she was a little better today.) I ended up taking her in as DominicsMom was still feeling under the weather. Both kids were actually eager to get in the car together and we had a merry little ride to their school.

Once we parked, I held their hands as we all walked in. Dominic was very excited to show off his little sister and he immediately announced to the class that it was Jocelyn's first day. Early in the morning as the kids trickle in, they all go to one of the classrooms to play until the school day starts. So Dominic introduced Joss all around and then I introduced her to the teacher on duty. She was very excited and did not try to hide behind me, but immediately went into the room to play.

After I signed both kids in, I peaked back into the room. She was standing around watching the other kids. I called to her and she waved bye. She did look a little sad, but she always looked a little sad when I would leave her at her home day care with Leonie. So I left and there was no crying or running after me (like Dominic did his first few times...)

DominicsMom picked them both up and Jocelyn's teacher reported that she had a really good day and she did what all the other kids did. Which must have been to roll around in the dust all day as her jacket came back completely filthy. Joss ate well and she went down without a problem for a nap.

Today DominicsMom dropped off both kids with out a problem. I picked them up and found the following in Jocelyn's cubby:

She already had her first boo-boo at school! But it looked like she shook it off and went back to play! That's my girl!

Monday, March 10, 2008

No School

Jocelyn did not make it to school today as she stayed home with a runny nose, cough and some sneezing. She didn't feel too bad as she played most of the day. However, DominicsMom did not feel so well and had a hard time keeping up with her. Hopefully she will make it tomorrow.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

I Like to Move It Move It

Dominic is going to hate me when he gets older for this....

Joss on the other hand, likes cake.

DominicsGrandma Nana and Grandpa Tom came down for Jocelyn's Birthday. Here they are pushing the kids around on their bikes.


Joss Starts School

Jocelyn spent her last day at home day care on Friday. It was an emotional day for us and Leonie.

Monday will be a big day for Joss as she starts her first day at pre-school along side Dominic. We think that she will enjoy it as she always has fun picking up Dominic in the afternoon after school. In fact, we sometimes have a tough time dragging her out... Dominic is excited to have Joss go to school with him. I wonder how often he will wander over to her class to say hi. I've seen him in some of the other classes on occasion playing with the other kids.

I'll let everyone know how her first day turns out.


Kids and Their Boxes

As I mentioned previously, the kids have had almost as much fun with the box that Jocelyn's gift came in as with the kitchen set itself. I'm not sure the thrill that they are getting out of sliding 'down' the box, but they did it on this day and then again today...

The box finally succumbed when I climbed in it. It was then flattened and transformed into a boat. We had lots of fun trying to stay on the 'boat' as the sharks circled for lunch. Things would get exciting when I would push Dominic off the boat. It would also get pretty loud as he shrieked when I tickled his tummy with the shark as it 'ate' him.


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