This year DominicsUncle Andy, Aunt Laurie, and Cousin Jake came down to visit us for New Years. It had been awhile since they had all been to San Diego and they wanted to see some old haunts, so we all drove down to Pacific Beach (after my inadvertant little detour through La Jolla, but I'm not going to talk about that...)
We walked out onto the PB Pier and Dominic got a kick out of watching the surfers and a couple of fishermen.

Joss fell asleep on the ride over, so she missed most of the pier. She was O-U-T!

After walking down the boardwalk a ways, we decided to let the kids play in the sand (gotta love San Diego in December!) for a bit as all of them were pretty much begging to. Jake pretty much headed straight out to the water where Uncle Andy & Aunt Laurie let him play at the edge of the surf. He had a great time!

On the other hand, our two...

I eventually convinced Dominic and Jocelyn to try the water out. Like last time, Dominic dipped a toe into the ocean, decided it was too cold, and went back to digging in the sand, looking for 'sea shells' and hermit crabs.

Joss on the other hand had a great time running through the smaller waves and I had to drag her back a couple of times to keep her from going deeper.

After the beach, we cleaned up our feet and headed over to the PB Bar & Grill. On the way we passed a few landmarks.
"Dominic, this is where Mommy & Daddy met!"
"This is where we met, before-Dominic."
I'm not sure he got it....
Anyways, we had a great time at PB Bar & Grill, sharing a bunch of appetizers, just like old times (if you ignore the 3 screaming kids and two high chairs, diaper bags, sippy cups, etc.)
