You absolutely loose all privacy when you have little kids. The other evening after dinner I was playing with the kids while DominicsMom cleaned up after dinner. At some point, both kids were engrossed in their own activities and I snuck upstairs to use the bathroom (my book was up there...)
I thought I was pretty successful and so left the bathroom door cracked open. After a bit, I noticed a pair of small hands wrap themselves around the door edge. They pushed the door open and Jocelyn poked her head into the bathroom. I thought about yelling for DominicsMom, but I could hear her banging pots around and I didn't want to scare Joss. So I shrugged and did not shoo her out.
Big mistake...
Once she had the door open, Jocelyn stood there staring at me, then cocked her head and gave me a few "Da, Na!" She then walked over to the training toilet we have by the sinks. (We use it as a step ladder for when the kids brush their teeth. Dominic doesn't use it as a toilet anymore and Joss has not begun.) She pushed and slid it over to the bathroom stall - our master bathroom has an open layout with the shower and sinks, having a very (very) small enclosed area for the toilet. She pushed the training toilet up to me and against one wall, then opened it and sat down on it.
She was imitating me and playing going to the bathroom! Of course now, I couldn't close the bathroom door, so I was stuck with her. DominicsMom had mentioned that Joss had done this with her the other day and had wanted her pants and diaper taken off. Sure enough, Joss stood back up, pointed to her pants and said "Daawwwn". She wanted her pants down! So I pulled down her pants, took off her diaper and she sat back down.
Then stood up.
Then sat back down.
She repeated this several times, all the while chattering away at me. I asked her a couple of times, "Joss, do you have to go pee pee? Do you have to go poo-poo?"
Great, she was just playing.
After several minutes of this, I was done in more ways than one. I tried to shoo her out so I could close the door and finish.
"Uh-uh!" She wanted to stay. So I mentally shrugged to myself, finished up what I had to do, and then squeezed past Joss to get out. At about that time DominicsMom came up and apologized, she hadn't realized that Jocelyn had wandered upstairs. We both turned back to Joss, who was still sitting on her toilet. We asked if she was done and we received the expected, "Uh-uh."
It took us a few more minutes to get her off of her toilet so we could get her ready for bed.
Jocelyn is not ready for toilet training yet, she's just imitating us and playing. We are both secretly hoping that we can keep her interested in sitting on the toilet so that we can get her toilet trained early.
Last night, she was on her toilet again (which she insists on dragging into the toilet stall, making it tough on us as it is so confined.) She did her typical up down up down routine, all the while chattering away at DominicsMom. At one point when she had stood up and moved away from her toilet, DominicsMom tried to pick her up to put her into her jammies. Joss squatted down and shook her head violently, so DominicsMom let her continue a bit more.
A few minutes later, Jocelyn squated down next to her toilet and proceeded to pee all over the bathroom floor! DominicsMom and I had to laugh, Joss was playing at sitting on the toilet, but when she actually had to do, she squated down and peed on the floor!
She is going to be soooo much trouble!!