Monday, February 12, 2007

Dominic gets a Treat

Dominic has been doing so well with his potty training that we decided to give him a big treat and I took him to Cold Stone Creamery on Sunday night (Ok, I haven't been there since I've been back and I was dying for a Cookie Doughn't You Want Some.) We both waited through a long line and then finally it was time to order. He decided on chocolate ice cream with a M&M mix-in in a waffle cone. He started to chow down on it while I ordered a Pecan and Cream for DominicsMom and I went for the Cookie Doughn't You Want Some in a waffle bowl. As we left, one of the other patrons said, "He's one lucky little guy!" Dominic thought so as he sat in silence the whole way home. I got a lot of "Thank you Daddy!" that evening.

I'll post some pictures in a couple of days.

In other news, Jocelyn's birthday is coming up! I cannot believe that she is almost one year old! We recently went to a local photo studio (Ok, Sears...) and had some shots of her and Dominic taken. When we get them, I'll scan some in and post them.



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