Friday, February 02, 2007

Dominic the Meerkat

You may remember, but Dominic likes Meerkats. We hit all three Meerkat exhibits at the zoo on Christmas Eve and he enjoys watching Meerkat Manor on Animal Planet.

He has a new game he likes to play and today he wanted me to join him in his new game and play meerkat with him.

"Daddy play meerkat."


"Daddy play meerkat!!"

"What? What's wrong with the cat?"

DominicsMom - "He wants you to play a meerkat!"

Dominic was quite hilarious, hoping and crawling around the room on all fours. Then he would stop, rise up on his knees, and assume the 'sentry' position (as meerkats will do to protect the rest of the colony.) While in this position (hands tucked in close to the body & nose slightly raised), he looks around in short, sharp movements. Sometimes he dances while on his knees, we are not sure what he's trying to do here or what behavior he's imitating...

So the Lion King is no longer a lion (or tiger), but is now a meerkat...



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