Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Mmmmmmm.....Yum. DominicsMom has been holding out on me. Last week DominicsMama Pat and DominicsPapa Frank came down, and they stopped at Tom's Farms, located in Corona just off the I-15. They brought back some Chocolate Dipped Peanut Brittle. Yum. Of course, she failed to tell me about it and I didn't find them until the next day.

DominicsMom wanted them all to herself... You can't tell me that it doesn't look good!

Now, I like peanut brittle, but I won't go out of my way to get some. This stuff...Mmmmmm. Yum.

We will now make a point of stopping at Tom's Farms each time we go north to see DominicsMama & DominicsPapa. If anyone wants me to pick them up some Chocolate Covered Peanut Brittle, let me know. I just can't promise I won't eat it all before you get any.

Perhaps you ought to just order some online....



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