Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Locked Out - A Tale of Dominic

Not too long ago, I picked up Dominic, drove home, getting there about 15ish minutes before DominicsMom was due to arrive home with Jocelyn. For whatever reason, I unlocked the front door and walked outside, leaving Dominic inside to watch TV. When I had finished, I came back to the front door, depressed the door latch, and tried to open it. Uh-oh, it was locked. I’ve been a little forgetful lately (Ok honey, very forgetful) and so I paused a moment to confirm that I had come out the front door. I definitely had. (Our door only has a deadbolt and does not have a lock on the door knob.) My keys were not in my pocket, I had dumped them on the counter. The garage door was closed as I closed it after parking the car. The sliding glass door was locked…

At that moment, I heard movement behind the door, “Daddy?”

Yep, the little guy had locked me out.

“Dominic, did you lock the door?”

“Lock the door Daddy!”

Great…”Dominic, can you unlock the door?” At this point I heard him playing with the door knob and the deadbolt. He is just at the height where he can throw the deadbolt when he stands on his tippy toes, so he is not consistent in unlocking the door. I again asked, “Dominic, can you unlock the door?” I heard some more noise behind the door and then,

“Ahh caan’t do it…” (Great, he’s given up and I get his British accent to boot…)

“Dominic, try again.”

“Ahh caan’t do it.”

I went around to the window and could see the top of his head by the door. He eventually noticed me and climbed up on the couch and stared at me through the window with the biggest grin that I’ve seen. He thought it was funny that Daddy was locked out!

So I went back to the door and called for him to try again. He tried for a few moments and then gave up. I moved around to the sliding glass door and called him over. Our door has a small black lever that locks and unlocks the door. I told him to lift it up. It took a bit for him to find it, but then he couldn’t reach it as it was too high for him. I was beginning to wonder if I should walk to the street and wait for DominicsMom to arrive, but inspiration struck.

“Dominic, move your blue chair to the door!” Dominic has a blue lounge chair sized to fit him and it was sitting on the floor, somewhat near the door. He walked around it and then began to push it to me. After a bit of effort, it began to slide towards me and I began to rejoice. Then fate peed on my celebration as a corner of the chair caught on some books and it came to a stop. “Ahh caan’t do it…”

“Dominic, move the books! Good boy! Now push again!” He eventually moved the chair to within 6 inches of the door, enough for what I needed him to do..

I convinced him to stand up on his chair and reach for the black lever. He flipped it and I was in!

DominicsMom got home about 10 minutes later and had a good laugh when I told her the story.



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