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Future blackmail material. Joss loves to play with Dominic's training toilet, so we have started to store it off the floor.
Joss received her flu shot this last weekend and is feeling some of the side affects now. She isn't too sick, but is feeling poorly enough to let us know about it...constantly. She is very clingy right now and does not want to be put down. I stayed home with her the other day and she napped on and off all morning in my arms. Everytime that I thought she had fallen deeply asleep, I would try to lay her down. She would then realize it and start to cry, so I had to pick her up again. Late morning she felt well enough to play, but after that I had to hold her for the rest of the day. She is keeping us up at nights too so staying awake at work is tough...I think she is getting better so hopefully all will be well soon.
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