Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Tale of the Silver Pen

Some background…in mid-December DominicsMom’s family had a Christmas party and a gift exchange. I picked pretty early and received a bottle of champagne and two toasting flutes. Pretty cool. So that was stolen. I picked again (and cannot remember what I received) and towards the very end of the gift exchange, this gift was also stolen. I could either pick a new gift or steal someone else's gift, but I did not feel like doing that, so I grabbed the last gift bag. It was very promising, a Brookstone “gravity defying magnetic pen.” Brookstone uses plain, two-tone blue and white packaging so you could not really tell what was in it beyond the box description and a simple line drawing. However, I was rather excited to get it and decided to take it to work with me. The following is an e-mail I sent DominicsMom after I opened the box.

(NOTE: Please take the following in good humor! I wrote the following to be humorous and I actually enjoy the pen, it sits on my desk and I use it on occasion. When someone comes into my office and needs a pen, I usually offer them that one.)

Hey sweetie,
How has your morning been? Get off ok with Dominic? I dropped Joss off ok, although she did not initially want to go to Leonie. That little girl is funny!!

Just about the first thing I did when I got in the office was unpack the “gravity defying magnetic pen”. Truth in advertising must not be a big Brookstone concern. The box also says “strategically placed magnets suspend this amazing pen in its base.” Hmmm, yeah.

Ok, to begin from the beginning: When I pulled the pen out, it had a nice solid heft and feel to it as did its donut shaped base. Good initial impression.

Then I tried to place the pen in its holder to watch it float. It dropped point down into the base and flopped over to the side and fell out. Not good. So I turned the pen upside down and it fell out of the donut even faster…hmmm. Time to read the manual. I pulled apart the box and found the pamphlet, which is really more marketing brochure than instruction manual, which just repeats the junk on the box, plus some silly crap about exacting quality control standards. Quality control my @$$, the thing keeps falling over! It did give me some really good instructions on how to replace the ink cartridge, something like, “Grab the bottom, twist the top and replace the ink cartridge.” Dominic could do that…And the pamphlet has 8 pages where they really only have 1 page of material. I’m starting to feel gypped!

Ok, so the manual did not help. Looking at the box, my initial orientation of pen down was correct. So I tried again, but a bit more carefully. Nope, still won’t float over the base, but the pen tip did fall into a nice little indentation in the middle of the donut, and then with a little balancing action on my part, stand straight up in the donut. The pen appears to float!! Or more actually, it appears to rest inside the donut (at least not touching the sides) and wobble gently as my typing minutely shakes the desk. Wobbling is not floating and I really feel gypped now!

Well, with the very polished & shiny silver exterior of the pen and its base, to the uninitiated, it could appear to be ‘floating’. To me it looks like its resting in the base.

But I took a moment to ponder it and try and feel “the pen that ‘magically’ floats in air”. A slow nagging feeling began to take shape as I looked at it. Yep, it looks like a bright silver dildo sitting on my desk. So here I am, pondering the ‘floating’ pen as people wander by my office and sometimes came in to speak to me. They must all be wondering why I have a dildo sitting and wobbling on my desk….

Have a good morning!



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