Catching Up

Joss smiles for the camera...
DominicsDad and Joss. She has my smile!
"Ahh caan't do it."
When Dominic intones this phrase, he draws out his ahhhs and it sounds a bit like a British accent to us. It comes through a bit here as he drops his spoon and asks for help.
Potty Training Update:
The little guy is doing well. Today was a first as he managed to poop into his toilet, instead of around it. So cleanup was a lot easier this time. He still needs to stand to get in the proper frame of mind, but he's progressing nicely. He had an accident at school the other day, but made it through the rest of the day ok. He also did well this weekend. His biggest problem is when he is having fun and he either ignores the urge to go or does not feel it in his excitement. We just have to ask him if he has to go pee a lot, and then sometimes pry him away from whatever he's doing to sit him in front of the potty...
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