Bedtime Trials
Well, its 915pm as I write this and its 1 1/4 hours after Dominic's and Joss's bedtime. She's screaming her head off and he just finished getting out of bed for the 3rd time to pee.

For almost a year now Dominic has been getting out of bed in the middle of the night and crawling into bed with us. He's finally taken it another step and for the first time he's crawled out of bed, opened his door, and come into our bedroom. He's actually gone pee all three times and twice they were really respectable amounts - he had two full cups to drink at dinner. About 2/3's of the time, Dominic has been waking up in the morning with a dry diaper, so he's doing really well. Anything that helps him control his bladder through the night is worth doing.
Joss, well Joss has decided that she doesn't want to sleep without someone holding her. As soon as we try to put her down, she starts to scream. It now takes quite awhile to get her down in the evenings so that she does not wake up right away. She doesn't much care what time it is, 8pm or 3am, she wants to be held. A couple of times now in the middle of the night she's refused to go back to sleep and we've had to let her cry it out. Tonight is the first night she has woken up early and refused to go back It's probably partly responsible for Dominic still being up, he can't sleep with all the screaming.
Ok, enough typing, I'm going to work on sorting through this weekend's pictures and I'll try to post more. Here's a really cute picture of Joss:

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