Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Toilet Training Graduation!

Sunday afternoon I drove Nana and Papa Tom to the airport. Dominic tagged along with us in the car. On CA-163 in Balboa Park, we hit some bad traffic caused by an accident. As we came to a stop, Dominic announced that he had to go Pee. We were stuck in the fast lane and I could not get off the road to find a bathroom for us. As Dominic became more insistent with his "Dominic pee" announcements, Nana looked around the back of the Explorer for a plastic bucket that we used to keep in the truck. Unfortunately she couldn’t find it - I had tossed it a couple of weeks ago. We had a plastic water bottle up front so I dumped it out the window and handed it to Nana, but I had few hopes that it would work. Nana pulled Dominic out of his seat (we were stuck and not moving – so it was safe) and helped him pull down his pants. She held the bottle up to his pee pee and he let go! He filled it up a respectable amount and as traffic started to move, Nana pulled up his pants and placed him back in his seat before the police caught us and gave me a ticket.

So another check in the toilet training box! He's master all the basic toilet techniques (well almost) and has now moved on to more advanced toilet techniques! And we now know what our emergency toilet is for long trips…

So we dropped Nana and Papa Tom off at the airport OK, although Dominic did not want them to go and he was really sad. Once I got home, I became involved in pulling Dominic out of his seat and I left his ‘bottle’ in the truck. I forgot to warn DominicsMom not to drink the lemonade…maybe I better go get it while I have it on my mind!

In other toilet training news, Dominic goes pee all on his own. When he is playing upstairs by himself, we sometimes hear the little pitter patter of his feet as he runs to our bathroom. When we go to investigate, we usually find him finishing up and just needing some help pulling up his pants.

The other day we were at our local park when he told me he had to pee. I knew he wouldn't make it home in time, so I took him over to the bushes around the park, pulled down his pants and let him do his thing...(then had to repeat 30 minutes later.) He definitely got a kick out of peeing outside.

Also, Dominic is finally facing the right way when he poops. He's still hovering over the toilet seat, but now everything if falling where it is supposed to in a reliable manner. We consider him toilet trained, he just needs some polishing and for us to keep an eye on him.



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