Flying a Kite
Well, it took us a while to break out the kite for Dominic. We’ve been busy and the weather has been somewhat lousy, I guess January and February are really not good kite flying months so I see why the only kites we found were in the bargain bin. However, one weekend we had one of our typical San Diego days, hot in the low 80’s, a small breeze from the north and very clear skies (ok, not so typical in the middle of the winter but they happen every now and then out here.) DominicsPapa Tom and Nana were still here and had a few hours to kill before their flight. We loaded up everyone into the cars and drove to a local park. Dominic got excited when we told him we were going to fly a kite. He watched intently as I assembled it and then he helped me carry it out to the field. Papa Tom helped me launch it and then it was in the air.
Dominic was delighted! He had an absolute ball when I gave him the kite string. He walked this way and that, holding the kite string in all different positions. At one point, the wind died and the kite started to fall to the earth. I yelled at him, “Run Dominic!” Of course, he took off running in the direction he was facing which was TOWARDS the kite! I had to yell back to him, “No Dominic, run to Daddy!” With this he turned around and ran screaming towards me as the kite continued its plunge to the ground. It was a great time!
A little later, he discovered how fun it was to let go of the kite string and watch Papa Tom or I run after it. Shortly after that, we put the kite away…
Dominic had a great time and he really was cute holding the kite. As a bonus, he got to play on the playground once he was finished flying the kite.
Dominic develops his own style.
Not sure what he's doing here!
Dominic runs with the kite.
Video of Dominic running towards and then away from his kite. Sorry for the camera shake, I was moving and laughing too hard!

Dominic with Nana and Papa Tom.
Dominic and his kite.