Wednesday, August 09, 2006

DominicsUncle Andy & DominicsAunt Laurie Visit

Earlier in July (OK, so I'm a bit behind here...I'm keeping the world safe for Democracy so cut me some slack!), DominicsUncle Andy & DominicsAunt Laurie came back to the States after DominicsUncle Andy finished his Norwegian Staff Academy. DominicsMom was very happy to see her sister! They were in Cali for about a week and did a lot of the typical things, visited the zoo, went to the beach, and had a baby shower for DominicsAunt Laurie!
DominicsMom and Jocelyn at the zoo.
Joss in her baby carriage.
DominicsGrandpa Frank & Dominic at the beach.
DominicsAunt Laurie & Joss! Notice the drool...Joss is apparently a drooling machine.
DominicsMom & Dominic
Many thanks to DominicsAunt Laurie for some of these pictures! And thanks to her for her many visits to the Blog of Dominic!
DominicsDad, in Djibouti


Blogger DominicsDad said...

Auntie in Redding!
I did not get a chance to skydive, just trying to have a little fun! One of the Marines stood in front of an overhead picture of Djibouti & had his picture taken. It almost looked like he was falling through the air over the a couple of us followed his lead and had our picture taken too.

I hope to see you all soon!

8/13/2006 12:55 PM  

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