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I've always been interested in trying out scuba, so when I had the chance in Djibouti, I took it. I've been on one boat trip where we went on two dives, so I'm half-way to my qualification. However, I know that DominicsGrandma Nana, DominicsGrandpa Papa, and even DominicsMom were not too thrilled with the idea of me going scuba diving with 3rd world gear that might not be as well maintained as a State-side operation. So, I decided to try something a little less dangerous, but something that I have always wanted to try.
Just west of Djibouti City there is a little airfield with a skydiving outfit. They have their own plane and paraloft and they do everything themselves. Relax, there is a Brit-expat who owns it and he sort of keeps an eye on everything to make sure it is safe. Yesterday, after a couple hours of lessons, the instructor thought that we were doing really well and could dispense with the first tandom jump and go directly to a solo jump. Just 5 more jumps until I am fully qualified and can get my jump wings! I plan on going out for those jumps shortly. They even had someone to take a picture as you jumped backwards out the plane. As you can see, their gear is a little austere (Sailors who had done it before recommended that we bring our own helmets as Djiboutian helmets tend to be a bit small), but it was all functional.
Just kidding!
DominicsDad, in Djibouti

Just kidding!
DominicsDad, in Djibouti
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