Saturday, August 05, 2006

A Tale of Dominic

I was talking to DominicsMom yesterday and she related this tale to me:

Dominic has been going to the same home day care for over 18 months, with the same two little boys, Bradley & Donovan. All three of them are within 3 months of age of each other and have formed a fast friendship. Unfortunately, Bradley's mother was transferred to another base and he left a couple of weeks ago. DominicsMom scheduled a playdate for the two of them this weekend. Bradley and his mom arrived and entered the house through the garage. When they came in, DominicsMom called him to come downstairs. He did and walked into the kitchen where he saw his friend and said, "Bradley!" Bradley replied, "Dominic!" Both were very happy to see each other and they reached out and grabbed each other's hand. They both than ran off to play. Yesterday, DominicsMom picked Dominic up from daycare and brought him home. As Dominic walked into the kitchen, he turned around and looked into the garage and asked, "Bradley?" DominicsMom could only tell him that Bradley was not there, she was bummed.

Unfortunately Dominic's other playmate will be leaving soon too. Hopefully a new one will show up quickly.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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