Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wow Time Flies

Wow, it has been quite awhile since I posted last. We have been very busy, right after the MARCENT/Navy Change of Command, we had a whole lot of VIP's come through the camp and we were very busy managing security and holding lots of Dog & Pony shows. (A Dog & Pony show is a military term for the display that is generally set up to show VIP's or a kids grade school field trip the unit's capability. They are generally loathed by all Marines as a waste of time, but we seem to do a lot of them.) The VIP's that have visited us have actually been a good for the Marines as they stop and talk to them for a bit. As in the previous post, it is also the opportunity to get a photo taken with the General or Secretary.

Vice Admiral Cotton, the Chief of Navy Reserves came by the base on July 12th. As we are the largest Reserve unit on the Camp, he stopped by, even though he was not directly responsible for us. He talked to the Marines for a bit and answered some questions, the Marines were interested in the new Tri-Care system for Reservists. I may be a little off on this, but Reservists serving between 6-12 months of active duty time are eligible for a year of Tri-Care coverage, which means pretty decent health care for a relatively little bit of money. So a good deal for the Marines as some of them do not have jobs waiting for them when they return home. Here I am with Adm Cotton:

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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