Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dominic Sings Elmo

DominicsMom relates another story to me:

Dominic is starting to sing now, but not very well. However he is trying! He loves that Elmo song that you put on his CD. I keep it in the car and every time we get in, he says, “Elmo”. Then I have to play it like 5 or 6 times before I finally say NO!! At least the drive to Leonie’s is short. So, then I only have to listen 2 or 3 times.

I find it very amusing how little kids like to do things over & over & over. Until I have to listen to it. DominicsMom must have lots of patience to watch the same video or listen to the same song constantly. Follow the link above to see & hear a bit of Elmo.

Dominic is talking more & more, although it can be very tough to understand what he is saying, particularily over the phone. The other day he said "Hello Daddy!" Its always fun to talk to him.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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