Monday, May 08, 2006


Ok, I have been forced by DominicsMom to offer a retraction to an earlier post, wherein I allegedly labelled Dominic a "little terror." We all know that in today's day and age, labels can be cruel and demeaning.

So Dominic is not a little terror, just a loud, very (very) active little 2 1/2 year old boy. Who will occasionally run his Thomas the Tank Engine scooter into Jocelyn's baby rocker while she's asleep. Or demand that you sit and watch Finding Nemo with him, then smack you awake when you have the temerity to fall asleep during the course of the movie. Then demand that you watch it with him again. And again. Who cannot seem to sleep past 6:30 am on Saturday or Sunday, but will go until 8:30 am any other day... So no labels allowed, just very very detailed descriptions.

Just kidding. Here are some more photos:

Dominic gets a thrill out of sitting in a box as DominicsGrandma rocks him back and forth. Go DominicsGrandma!

Still playing with the box. I keep telling DominicsMom, don't buy him anymore toys! Just a couple more boxes and he will be happy. He's been playing with the boxes for awhile as he's in different clothes now...

Yep, that's still him under the box.

DominicsDad , in Djibouti


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo I absolutely adore your site. You have beautiful graphics I have ever seen.

7/22/2006 1:05 AM  

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