Sunday, April 09, 2006

More Stories of Dominic and Jocelyn

DominicsMom continues to send me stories of Dominic and Jocelyn. This tidbit was in a letter she sent that came with an Easter card:

Hi sweetie! Dominic just finished decorating your card. It took awhile, though. He wasn't interested once he realized that it made a good tunnel for Murdoch. [A train from Thomas] Then, once I started writing in it, he wanted too, as well.

Here is another story:

At the last feeding, Dominic wanted to hold her. So, after I burped her, I put her on one of my legs and one of Dominic’s so he felt like he was really holding her. Anyway, she got the hiccups. Dominic was laughing hysterically because her little head would toss back every time. He was giggling so hard. I wanted to get the camera, but I knew if I moved it would stop because both kids would’ve had to move. Well, I enjoyed it. I will try to catch it next time.
And here is the little guy in the baby swing. Yes, he is a little too big for it. DominicsMom does not let him actually swing, he just gets to sit.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti.


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