Monday, March 27, 2006

Captions for the Pictures

Ok, I managed to post a bunch of pictures the other evening, but I didn't have the time to write any captions. I was using an MWR computer to post and they only give you 30 minutes because there is a line of people waiting to use the computers. Anyways, here is an explanation for each caption.

The Pictures II from Djibouti post first:

The first is myself and 1stSgt Craig promoting five Marines from PFC to Lance Corporal.

In the second, my XO has just received a couple of packages from home filled with bedding. He is suitably impressed. Actually, he probably has the nicest rack (bed for you non-Marine types!) in the Camp now with the foam mattress cover. I on the other hand wake up with a stiff back every other night.

The third picture is of my office. Looks good! I haven't bothered to change it much from the way my predessor left it. He did a good job arranging it. I did go through the desk drawers and toss out a bunch of stuff however.

From the Pictures post:

The first photo is of myself at the Port of Djibouti as we provided security for an Army ship, somehting that we do regularily.

1stSgt Craig and myself right after the Relief in Place.

Some of my staff and myself at an Embassy party. We were actually at an Embassy member's house. The upper class housing areas are actually rather nice. They all have a very large deck on the roof of the house and the houses are quite large.

And the promotion photo again. I just liked it a lot (actually, I forgot I already posted it...)

Within the next couple of days I'll try to post some photos of Dominic & Jocelyn that DominicsMom sent out. There are also some more from Laurie.

DominicsDad, in Djibouti


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