Tuesday, March 07, 2006

In Djibouti!

We have finally arrived in Djibouti. We were about 12 hours late arriving because we got stuck in Frankfurt, Germany due to snow and crew rest issues. We landed late morning in Frankfurt and got off while they refueled the plane. The USO had a nice little area for us and served coffee and sold some treats to us. After warming up a bit, some of the Marines headed outside and had a snow ball fight. The rest of us warmed up inside the hanger (it was a decent sized hanger converted into a spartan terminal, but they had chairs and coffee.) Once we got back on the plane, the snow was really coming down and by the time we got to the deicing station, the plane needed to be refueled. While the crew worked that, they ended up running into crew rest limitations, so we returned to the hanger. The USO personnel had left, so we helped ourselves to their coffee maker. We spent 3-4 hours in the hanger, but all was well. I spent the last leg of the flight watching movies when I should have been sleeping, so I was pretty tired by the time we landed.

Once we landed, they checked our bags and we all did the usual seabag drag out to our tents. The tents aren't so bad, but they are pretty plain. I have a whole bunk to myself, but I do have to smell everyone elses feet as we are packed pretty tight. They have to listen to me snoring so I guess we are even.

We spent the next couple of days getting caught up on our rest. We began our turn over on Monday with a series of in-briefs. Today I took an SUV drivers course which had a really fun prac ap driving course.

I'm having trouble posting pictures, I'll try again a little later.



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