Saturday, February 25, 2006

Welcome Jocelyn!

Welcome Jocelyn Christine! She was born at 11:43pm on 21 Feb, 2006, weighing in at 8 lbs 5 oz and measuring 21 inches. Both she and DominicsMom are doing well. Both came home Friday afternoon, much to the relief of Dominic.

He missed DominicsMom and DominicsDad terribly. He visited DominicsMom a couple of times in the hospital, and there were always fireworks when I had to drag him out, kicking and screaming. When DominicsMom got home, he didn't let her out of his sight. He has taken a liking to baby Jocelyn, touching and petting her gently and administering numerous kisses.

We have a few funny stories about Dominc and Jocelyn. Dominic has exhibited a funny/worrying trait although. When we have visitors and it becomes time for them to leave, he is quick to wave good bye to them and give them good by hugs. However, he has started to wave good bye to Jocelyn! He must hope that someone takes her back home with them.

We have started to get out all of Dominic's old baby chairs and toys. He must remember them because he has really enjoyed playing with them again. He has spent more time in the vibrating chair than Jocelyn has. DominicsAunt Laurie has some great photos and we hope that she shares them with us!! I'll post them if she does (she will, I'm just writing it here to remind her to do so!) ;-)


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